Welcome to Window on a New World

This blog is about mental health.
Mental health is a spectrum we are all on.
We may find ourselves at different points on the spectrum throughout our lives.

The purpose of Window on a New World is to talk openly about all aspects of mental health -
professional, experiencial, personal. Acknowledging those who have or are suffering from, recovering
from, living with, or caring for someone with any aspect of mental health difficulty. It is also to
challenge stereotypes, misinformed media representation and stamp out stigma...

Friday 25 November 2011

Prescription Self-Help Books

I've just come from reading an article in the Staffordshire news about GPs prescribing self-help books from local libraries for people presenting with mental health difficulties.  I have a few issues with this idea.

When I was ill I wouldn't have dared go into a library and take out such books for fear of being seen as I was anxious and paranoid at the time.  Also, in being depressed, I lacked the motivation and concentration span to read and do things when left to my own devices.  Staring at the book on the floor from under my covers would have just amounted to another failure of mine to add to the list of reasons I was crap, ill through my own doing, and would never get better.

This may well work coupled with a therapy, where the tasks are homework and are to be discussed and evaluated with room for problem solving and praise, but alone they are asking for trouble.  But sure, if it saves money, fob us off.  That will definitely help us to feel that there is a point in keeping going...

What do you think?  Full story here:


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