Welcome to Window on a New World

This blog is about mental health.
Mental health is a spectrum we are all on.
We may find ourselves at different points on the spectrum throughout our lives.

The purpose of Window on a New World is to talk openly about all aspects of mental health -
professional, experiencial, personal. Acknowledging those who have or are suffering from, recovering
from, living with, or caring for someone with any aspect of mental health difficulty. It is also to
challenge stereotypes, misinformed media representation and stamp out stigma...

Monday 19 December 2011

Failure to Communicate

Giving points of view, giving pre-made appointments, giving it 'all that,' they are good at.  But the key aspect of communication; all communication, but especially within mental health, is listening.  Without that, how they expect to draw accurate conclusions, let alone build trusting relationships is quite beyond me.  Asking a question about someone's life and then answering it themselves without so much as a glance for clarification is a sure fire way to foster anger, resentment and bring the relationship, what there is of it, crashing down.  Let alone build a false picture of what is going on, masking potential risks and provoking either the need to be rude in order to correct things, or to give up and let them get on with it if they're so determined to construct it all themselves anyway, and resign oneself to never receiving the right help and support.

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