Welcome to Window on a New World

This blog is about mental health.
Mental health is a spectrum we are all on.
We may find ourselves at different points on the spectrum throughout our lives.

The purpose of Window on a New World is to talk openly about all aspects of mental health -
professional, experiencial, personal. Acknowledging those who have or are suffering from, recovering
from, living with, or caring for someone with any aspect of mental health difficulty. It is also to
challenge stereotypes, misinformed media representation and stamp out stigma...

Monday 19 December 2011

Hospitals: A Safe Haven?

Given recent events, I have come to question the mental health training, if any, that NHS hospital staff receive.  Regardless the physical problem, the mental health label/history seems to penetrate the rest of the patient files, and the professionals' thought processes, ending up in a 'discussion' of 'is this all in your head?' or 'did you do this to yourself?' by every professional who passes the threshold of one's curtain, despite this being the 3rd time today. 

The fact that the hospital's mental health team has spoken at length and agreed a strategy and plan involving patient and family, and has this written up in the file for all to see seems to elude them all.  This has some how donned and invisibility cloak whilst the original history/diagnosis scrawled itself in indellable ink over every sheet in the file.  Meanwhile, doctors, nurses, surgeons, consultants run amock making faux pas left, right and centre, going against the patient's wishes, destroying their feelings of security and the pre-arranged, specialist-approved safety net. 

These were of course set up in order to take their thoughts, feelings and views into account, use existing effective measures of support, preserve their dignity and promote recovery.  For some reason the system seems to remain rather Victorian in this regard, and content to do as they will, ignorant to the detriment of their actions.


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