Welcome to Window on a New World

This blog is about mental health.
Mental health is a spectrum we are all on.
We may find ourselves at different points on the spectrum throughout our lives.

The purpose of Window on a New World is to talk openly about all aspects of mental health -
professional, experiencial, personal. Acknowledging those who have or are suffering from, recovering
from, living with, or caring for someone with any aspect of mental health difficulty. It is also to
challenge stereotypes, misinformed media representation and stamp out stigma...

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Recovery Perspectives

There are times at which I find myself feeling so happy and at ease that I realise quite how different 'this' is.  Feeling safe, feeling confident, feeling free.  It seems amazing that it all went away in the end.  Every so often during these moments, I realise how simple it was, to come over here.  To the other side of the line.  I think back and decide it was stupid and my own doing.  If it was that easy, why didn't I do it ages ago.  Why haven't I been like this all along?  Why did I make it hard for myself?

Other times the coin has flipped and the tables have turned.  Something will jog my memory and take me 'back there'.  I realise just quite what I went through.  The pain I endured.  The endlessness of it all.  God was it complex.  So much so.  It scares me.

Then I zoom out and catch sight of the big picture.  Quite how many issues/diagnoses/symptoms I had.  They seem too many for one person.  It's almost as if it never happened.  It couldn't have.

Except it did.  It left its mark.  It landed in my life like a meteor; one which had been part of a star.  I had known it existed, in the background.  I saw it glaring at me from time to time.  Then all of a sudden it fell.  Dented everything around me.  Destructed all in it's path.  Left a crater.  I'm not standing in the same spot, but the concave ruin remains.  It's just that the grass has grown over it and I've landscaped it into a shrine for wellness.  It will always be a part of me.  It's led to my now.  My safety.  My confidence.  My freedom.  It's better now than ever it was before.  I couldn't have got here without it.

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